Category: commentary
Making better choices faster using Tinder-like mobile interfaces.
A strategic analysis of the market and a vision for what Twitter should build.
Why you’ll want everyone you know to wear Google Glass.
Helping us feel like we’re with friends who are far away.
The social layer that replaces Facebook will not look like Facebook.
Companies that are secretive about in-progress products are at a disadvantage.
People don’t want to sort their friends in real life or on Google+.
What we can all learn from Rebecca Black.
Humans are like dragonflies, so design social web services accordingly.
What do Facebook, Wikipedia, television, and gin have in common?
Where Good Ideas Come From, a four-minute video by Steven Johnson.
Sup dawg, we heard you like games, so we wrapped a game around your game…
Strong ties, weak ties, and latent ties.
Lawrence Lessig paraphrased by Jorge Ortiz.
“Computers are like a bicycle for our minds.” – Steve Jobs
Incoming content at the speed of light.
I want filtration algorithms, not recommendation algorithms.
The beginnings of my ITP thesis.