Little Computers - Meetapp (Initial Progress)

Baby’s first Objective-C.

192 words

previously: project description

I’ve made some initial progress on organizing the interface for my iPhone Application. I have a tab bar at the bottom, table views with navigation bars for each tab, and an array of strings populating one of table views with sample text. I started off with David’s UITableView tutorial, but ran into a series of problems when I tried to integrate it into Apple’s Tab Bar Application project template. I eventually gave up on using Interface Builder and decided to do the entire thing programmatically using this excellent tutorial that I found online. That worked without any trouble, and I was able to modify the example to serve as the basics of my application.

I have uploaded what I have so far to a repository on GitHub – more frequent updates will be committed there, but I’ll also post here at major milestones.

A side note – Joe Hewitt, the developer of the Facebook iPhone app, recently open-sourced several of the iPhone libraries that he used as the ‘Three20 Project’. They look like they might be useful, and the post certainly deserves a link and a thank you.